Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mass Effect Sims: Joker Edition

Yeeeeeeup I'm getting all the humans out of the way first, since they're the easiest to make.

"But Maul, Liara's not human..."


Moving on....

Here's Joker!  :D

  Everyone's favorite Normandy pilot comes complete with beard and hat. He was pretty easy to do, but if you think I could fix something to make him even better, I'm all for it.

Fun fact: The Sims 3: Generations EP came with this Rebel Alliance t-shirt which also has "Rebel Alliance" on the back. I thought this shirt was really fitting for Joker, seeing how Joker's voice actor is Seth Green. If you don't know, Seth Green makes a little show on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim called Robot Chicken. Robot Chicken had a few Star Wars parody episodes. Also, Seth Green is the voice of Chris in Family Guy. Family Guy also made a few Star Wars parody episodes where Chris plays Luke Skywalker. So anytime I think of Seth Green, I immediately think of Star Wars and Mass Effect.

TL;DR The shirt stays. I can change the colors though.

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