Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Alright, I just gotta get this out or I'm going to explode

Gay marriage. If you're honestly against it, what are your reasons? So far, the reasons I've heard don't hold much water when you really think about them.

#1 Gay people shouldn't marry because it will ruin the sanctity of marriage

Riiiight because Kim Kardashian's 3 second marriage is really held sacred. And didn't Britney Spears break some kind of record for the shortest marriage? Oh and of course Newt Gingrich will squeal on and on about how "the gays" will ruin marriage, but cheated on and then left his first two wives while they were sick with Cancer and MS. I could go on with other examples of why this "sanctity of marriage" issue is bullshit, but I'm trying to keep this short.

So, maybe when straight people can start treating their marriages as sacred, then maybe they'll have an argument.

#2 It says in the Bible that it's wrong

Oh please. You know what else the Bible says is wrong?  Wearing two different kinds of cloth. You wanna know what's okay in the Bible? The death penalty for people who have committed adultery and children who swear at their parents. All in the same chapter..... 


#3 If we let gays marry, then we'll have to let people marry animals, objects, even children

First of all, wow. That's a really large leap in logic, considering that animals and objects are not sentient and therefore cannot actually consent to the marriage. And children, while sentient, are not mature enough to make those adult decisions and therefore, cannot legally consent to any marriage.

Secondly, and quite frankly, I find anyone who states this reason truly offensive. They are essentially drawing direct parallels between homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia. WTF.

Third, there was a time when blacks and whites couldn't marry because someone else thought it was wrong. It was actually a law in many states. I personally know an elderly couple who had to prove before a judge that they didn't have any black ancestry before they could marry in Virginia. And that was after 1967 when interracial marriage was legal at the federal level.

So yeah, if those are the three major reasons why gay people shouldn't marry, then people need to start being more reasonable. Any other excuses I missed?

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