Thursday, July 19, 2012

So I know I said I'd write a part 2 about the EC DLC.....


I'm just tired of talking about it. I liked it and felt that it tied the room together. Nuff said.

What I do want to talk about is the idea of making Liara's apartment from the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC. It's a pretty sweet apartment. Very modern and sleek looking.

Liara's pad.

Unfortunately, I'm not so great at making houses and I can't pull off the giant fish tank behind the bed and a few other design aesthetics in the game, but as always, it's the Sims and I'll use what I can. I wonder if I could ask someone to make this on the Sims forums?

Since I want to make a place for the other characters, I might try making another house based on Hotel Azure in the game too. Unfortunately, I can't find any good pictures of the hotel on Google, so I looked on YouTube and this is what I could find. Unfortunately the video is strictly for game strategy so the camera is all crazy, but you can see the kitchen around 8:07, the living area at 8:30, and 9:47 a quick shot of a dinning room.  At 9:41 and 10:00 you can see a nice looking bedroom with a blue wall in the back. I like that.